Who are we?
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November 6, 2020
Tony and I found each other working in the oilfields of North Dakota. Tony was hauling heavy equipment with a lowboy, and I was hauling gravel for building roads and oil pads. When we first met I don't think we really had any idea what kind of adventure we were starting! We have scraped, struggled, and learned about a variety of industries. Between both of us we have hauled equipment, hauled gravel for oil pads, done milling and paving work, hauled production water from oil wells, hauled logs, and gone over the road. We've made it through truck break downs, slow times in the oil industry, and starting from scratch building a ranch. We've changed rear ends in gravel pits, replaced truck engines in borrowed shops, fought froze up or broke down trucks alongside the road in -20 degree temperatures, and lived in the trucks (and the 4runner!) and barely survived without air conditioning during the long hot summers (haha-kinda).
When we got ahold of the bison ranch dream it gave us a goal to work towards. We weren't just paying our bills and saving up for truck upgrades anymore, we were building something. At the time we weren't quite sure exactly where we were going with bison and ranching, but we were bound and determined to do it. We haven't made it to being full-time ranchers yet, we are still trucking. But we are closer to home, and are working in industries that are more stable than oil.
Within the next couple months we will finally be able to offer our very first bison for sale, born and raised on our ranch. We are so excited to have finally gotten to this point. Its been a long road since we started in 2016!